Isabelle Dube, a well-known competitive mountain biker, was killed in Canmore by a grizzly bear on June 5, 2005 on a popular hiking trail while jogging with two friends.
Snow Sculpting
Create an art using such a fragile and ephemeral medium is what makes snow sculpting so special, add the fact that the artist will create it in front of the public – and seeing it being created and coming to life is magical.
Banff Marathon
The new Banff Marathon will offer one of the planet’s most incredible and beautiful running experiences in Canada’s first National Park. The participants will flow through a series of incredible natural, wildlife, and historical stages – the “Bow Valley Experience”. Each stage is a different chapter of the Valley’s story and is represented by an icon that is relevant to the area and its significance.
Canmore Folk Music Festival – SITE SET UP VOLUNTEER SIGN UP
This is a grand welcome back to the 2014 Canmore Folk Festival! I personally look forward to seeing the familiar faces of the “ Festival Family”! Please send an email to if you are able to come out and help again this year… bring along a friend or invite someone new!