Successful Friday everyone!
I am sending you a few photos of the day…. I say a few as missing photos from January 5th set up, pick up at Nordic Center and unloading forms and Mark Halpin designing for the future carvings coming up in a few weeks with Town of Canmore and Sunshine and Nordic Center… Yes much going on and so far the cube and shipment design and relationships from last year are working well.
We would all like to thank Donna Cook for promoting the snow carving culture with Parks Canada and developing the relationship with Tom and Pat of the past 5-6 years!!!!!
A grand thank you to Nordic Center Paul Ashton (Operator) and Michael Roycroft (General Manager), Bremner Engineering Remy (Operator )and Richard Bremner (Owner) for the supporting the culture and energy in our community. The best is yet to come but we can’t do this without you!
Now the exciting part starts with Tom & Pat Hjorleifson carving at the Upper Hot Springs starting tomorrow. They will take many pictures of the process and send to me and I will forward to everyone!
Next Carvings will be coming up next week at the Nordic center in trade for supplying the snow. Mark, Cyd have developed the concepts and Nordic center has approved. Then in process of Sunshine snow carvings all to be followed up with the Snow Carving Canmore Downtown Adventure Park in front the Civic Center. Mark and I will connect with other carvers, Peig and Joe, tomorrow to see about schedules for the Downtown Park and Nordic Center
I will send more photos as we go!
Thank you and have a good rest for tomorrows’ carving!
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